The Smart Manufacturing Modular System at the Smart Factory Conference 2023


Theodorou Group participated as a sponsor and also with a speech/presentation in the very successful organization of the 6th Smart Factory Conference 2023 by Boussias Events, which took place on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 in Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens, Greece.

Dr. Evangelos Theodorou, President & CEO of Theodorou Group, presented Theodorou Group’s proposal for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in industry and the supply chain, the Smart Manufacturing Modular System (SMMS):


The SMMS includes 8 smart modules which are interconnected with the MES Tracer Factory system and allows every industry to gradually and in a structured way build its digital transformation towards Smart Manufacturing, which includes all Industry 4.0 technologies.

At the conference, at the end of the presentation, a video of the successful application of SMMS at the plant protection products company SYNGENTA HELLAS was shown.

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