Σύστημα Αυτόματης Εκτέλεσης Παραγγελιών Στη Φαρμακαποθήκη Α. ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΑΕ
Automatic Order Execution System At A. PAPANIKOLOPOULOS SA
ZENON AUTOMATION SAICT, a member of the Theodorou Group, known for its know-how in the design and implementation of robotics, handling and automation solutions for packaging and the supply chain, designed and installed a fully automated order execution system at the pharmaceuticals warehouse APOSTOLOS PAPANIKOLOPOULOS SA. The system includes automatic collection of orders in boxes using robotic systems, automatic handling of boxes and automatic invoicing, packing and sorting of orders by route, ready for distribution by the company's vehicles. The perfect collaboration with EPSILON CSA, which supplied APOSTOLOS PAPANIKOLOPOULOS SA with the line's ERP & WMS software, played a catalytic role in the implementation.
Λύση Ψηφιακού Μετασχηματισμού Παραγωγικών Διαδικασιών στην ΚΑΒΙΝΟ ΑΕ
Digital Transformation Solution of Production Processes at CAVINO SA
Theodorou Group, with great expertise in robotics, automation and Industry 4.0 digital transformation solutions, designed and implemented a complete system for the full automation of Cavino's production processes, with robotics systems, End-Of-Line Automation, MES Tracer Factory & full IT interface systems and production equipment, resulting in the ultimate digital factory of the Industry 4.0 era
Είναι έτοιμη η ελληνική βιομηχανία για το Industry 4.0;
Is Greek industry ready for Industry 4.0?
It is a fact that Industry 4.0 offers a unique development opportunity for industrial, and not only, businesses. It is a reality and it is here to bring the future. Our long-term engagement with industrial digital transformation shows us that most Greek industries seem to understand the basic principles and technologies of Industry 4.0. But there is quite a lag in understanding how to properly use them to meet their own needs. In this article we analyze the basic principles for the effective integration of Industry 4.0 cutting-edge technologies in industrial enterprises.
Smart Manufacturing And Theodorou Group
We inform you that the call for the "Smart Manufacturing" program funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund has been published (https://greece20.gov.gr/?calls=exypni-metapoiisi). The investment projects to be financed cover all aspects of Industry 4.0, such as robotics, production automation, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), SCADA, Machine To Machine Learning, Industrial Internet Of Things (IIoT) technology, system integration, smart sensors, acquisition of modern mechanical equipment, etc.
Theodorou Group at Syskevasia 2022 Exhibition
Theodorou Group at Syskevasia 2022 Exhibition
Theodorou Group participates in the 17th International Exhibition of Packaging, Machinery, Printing & Logistics, Syskevasia 2022, which will take place from September 30 to October 3 2022 at the Metropolitan Expo exhibition center, at the Athens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" in Spata. At our stands in Hall 3 (A4, B4, C3) we will present the latest technological developments in our fields of activity: automatic and robotic packaging, coding and labeling of products, smart manufacturing systems - Industry 4.0, traceability and production management (MES), warehouse/distribution automation - Logistics 4.0, checkweighing, industrial weighing, stretch film machines.
Λύσεις Ψηφιοποίησης Καταστημάτων Λιανικής από τον Όμιλο Θεοδώρου
Retail Store Digitization Solutions by Theodorou Group
Theodorou Group, in the context of the continuous development strategy, announces the cooperation with the Swedish company Pricer. With this collaboration, Theodorou Group includes in the range of solutions it offers, solutions for the digitization of retail stores, as Pricer is the world leader in technologies and services that significantly improve the operation and performance of stores and enhance the experience of end consumers. Specifically, Pricer's range of solutions includes electronic shelf labels, in-store electronic showcases, shelf price control systems, in-store product tracking application, etc.
Συστήματα Ελέγχου Ορθότητας Κωδικών στη Γραμμή Συσκευασίας
Code Verification Systems On The Production Line
All industrial companies that package and distribute products recognize the great importance of proper printing during the production of labels on products. These tags are expiration dates, Lot / Batch numbers, one-dimensional or two-dimensional codes, texts describing the content, nutrition labels, etc. The Theodorou Group , with extensive experience in product coding and traceability, has developed systems for checking the correctness of printed codes and markings. These systems are placed on the packaging line and are connected to production management systems and coding systems. They offer reliable verification of both the existence of the codes, their correct position in the product, and the fact that the codes are the ones that must have been printed.
Αυτόματο Σύστημα Εγκιβωτισμού Πλαστικών Συσκευασιών Φέτας στη ΔΩΔΩΝΗ ΑΕ
Automatic Case Packing System of Plastic Feta Containers at DODONI SA
Zenon Automation SAICT, a Theodorou Group member, with great know-how in the design and implementation of robotics and automation solutions for the end-of-line, delivered a "turnkey" case packing solution of plastic feta containers to DODONI SA, which offers full automation, high productivity, security and optimal utilization of available space.
Υλοποιώντας το Industry 4.0 & Logistics 4.0
Implementing Industry 4.0 & Logistics 4.0
Theodorou Group has installed many digital transformation systems for industry and the supply chain (Industry 4.0 & Logistics 4.0), both in Greece and abroad. From our experience we have come to the conclusion that most companies want to start their digital transformation. The question remains the knowledge of what exactly "digital transformation" means for each company, how to formulate the right strategy, as well as determining the specific steps to be followed. Theodorou Group has a team of specialized digital transformation consultants who can help you with all of the above. The meetings with our team of consultants are mainly done with visits to your facilities, while in some cases it is possible to visit factories/automated warehouses that have implemented relevant applications.
The Industry 4.0 Applications
It is a fact that there is a lot of information about the new industrial revolution and the technologies that support it. Knowledge of these technologies is essential for industry executives who are responsible for developing strategies for integrating digital transformation into their business. The question, of course, is how technologies lead to applications that provide real solutions to the problems facing the industry. In this article we present the current and usable applications of Industry 4.0.