Tracer Factory

For Manufacturing and the Supply Chain

Tracer Factory is a modern MES platform to cover a wide range of production processes and industry needs. The development of Tracer Factory has been carried out entirely by Theodoros Group and continues with the addition of modern technologies and tools used in Industry 4.0.

With the modular logic of the platform, selected parts of it can be used in each installation to meet the needs of the moment.

The main functionalities of Tracer Factory are:

  • Interface with existing IT systems (ERP, WMS, QMS, etc.)
  • Execution of warehouse operations: Receipts – Internal movements –
  • Loading – Inventories
  • Production Management: Digitization and planning of production orders – Central production control
  • Coding Management: Interface and control all printers
  • Quality Management: Management and execution of quality control procedures
  • Line Monitoring & OEE: Interface with factory equipment, real time data collection and display of machine status of production lines
  • Complete traceability: Monitoring and tracing of the production and packaging processes from the received raw materials to the final product

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