Bespoke Projects Unit (BPU)

The Bespoke Projects Unit (BPU) of Theodorou Group is staffed with experienced robotics and automation engineers (mechanical, electrical, electronic, programmers, MIS) who can undertake the development of comparative applications for special problems or needs that every company inevitably faces in the areas of production, packaging, warehouses, etc.

Various modern technologies are used as development tools, such as IIoT, digital cameras, 5G, RFID, AI, AR, special sensors, cloud platforms, MES, SCADA, PLC, CAD and Industry/Logistics 4.0 technologies in general.

A specific methodology is followed:

  • Personal contact to fully understand the need,
  • Develop the solution or layout,
  • Presentation/approval by the client,
  • Turnkey installation and delivery.

Some indicative applications of the BPU section:

  • Synchronization and optimization of packaging lines
  • Interconnection of the production process (including robotic systems) with the ERP
  • Quality control of products with automatic intervention in cases of serious or dangerous deviations
  • Arrangements for sorting or gathering manufactured products
  • Dynamic and static weight control with feedback control
  • Production line rearrangement studies
  • Special labeling applications on “difficult” products, on high-speed lines, etc.
  • Development of industrial applications RFID, OCR, Augmented Reality (AR), Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc.

If you have a difficult or unusual application it would be our great pleasure to contact us by filling out the form below.

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