Theodorou Group Actions Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic


Theodorou Group would like to inform its customers, suppliers and partners that it invariably follows the guidelines of the National Organization of Public Health (EODY) and the co-responsible governing bodies, regarding COVID- 19 related instructions and precautionary measures  in order to protect its customers, suppliers, partners and employees.

More specifically, the Theodorou Group of companies has taken the following measures:

  • daily cleaning and Regular sanitization of its facilities
  • daily cleaning of all corporate vehicles
  • issuance of instructions all employees for the  prevention and protection from COVID-19 based on the directives received from EODY
  • supplying of their facilities with disinfectant liquids, which are available in every business area​​, but also in corporate vehicles
  • Careful examination and  potential cancellation of business trips based on risk of exposure to COVID-19
  • Prohibition of all  professional meetings, staff trainings and corporate presentations with more than 7 people

In the event that the management team becomes aware of a coronavirus case involving a customer, supplier, partner or employee that has visited or is employed at our premises, it will take all necessary actions such as,

  • the new immediate disinfection and sanitization of our facilities
  • the issuance of instructions for the immediate medical examination and other measures for all affected or potentially affected employees

In addition, Theodorou Group’s Management holds a regularly reviewed and updated Crisis Management Plan in the event of a coronavirus case amongst its employees. EODY and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection are always the sole bodies responsible for managing possible cases.